TOPCon Photovoltaic Module Power Generation Calculation: Influencing Factors and Improvement Strategies, Essential Reading for Commercial and Industrial Power Plant Investors

TOPCon Photovoltaic Module Power Generation Calculation: Influencing Factors and Improvement Strategies, Essential Reading for Commercial and Industrial Power Plant Investors

1. TOPCon Photovoltaic Module Power Generation: Detailed Explanation of Core Influencing Factors

TOPCon photovoltaic modules are favored in commercial and industrial photovoltaic power plants for their high efficiency and excellent performance. However, actual power generation is affected by various factors:

  • Module Power and Efficiency:
    • The rated power and conversion efficiency of TOPCon modules are fundamental.
    • Mass-produced TOPCon cell efficiency has exceeded 24%, with leading companies reaching over 25%.
  • Solar Resources:
    • Annual average sunshine hours and solar radiation intensity (kWh/m²) are critical.
    • Significant variations exist between different regions and seasons, requiring detailed evaluation.
  • Temperature Coefficient:
    • TOPCon modules have a low-temperature coefficient (approximately -0.3%/°C), providing more stable performance under high temperatures.
    • Reducing power loss due to high temperatures improves summer power generation.
  • Installation Angle and Orientation:
    • Optimize tilt angle and azimuth to maximize solar radiation absorption.
    • Professional design software can assist in calculating the best installation scheme.
  • Shadow Obstruction:
    • Avoid shadow obstruction from buildings, trees, etc., to reduce power generation loss.
    • Preliminary surveying and design are essential.
  • System Efficiency:
    • Inverter efficiency, cable loss, and other factors affect overall system efficiency.
    • Choose efficient equipment to reduce system loss.
  • Bifaciality:
    • TOPCon modules have high bifaciality (over 80%), with considerable back-side power generation.
    • Reasonably utilize back-side reflected light to increase total power generation.

2. TOPCon Photovoltaic Module Power Generation: Simplified Calculation Method

Here is a simplified annual power generation calculation formula for preliminary estimation:

  • Annual Power Generation (kWh) = Module Power (kW) × Annual Average Sunshine Hours (h) × System Efficiency


  • Actual power generation is affected by various factors; this formula is only an estimate.
  • Professional photovoltaic design software can provide more accurate power generation predictions.
  • Real world testing data can increase the likely accuracy of predicted amounts. for example, data that shows Jinko solar N-type TOPCon modules have a 5.02% higher average power generation gain, when compared to P-type PERC modules.

3. TOPCon Photovoltaic Power Plant: Strategies to Improve Power Generation Efficiency

  • Optimize Module Selection:
    • Choose high-efficiency, low-attenuation TOPCon modules.
    • Pay attention to the module's temperature coefficient and bifaciality.
  • Scientific System Design:
    • Use professional software for solar radiation analysis and shadow simulation.
    • Optimize installation angle and orientation to reduce system loss.
  • Intelligent Operation and Maintenance:
    • Regularly clean modules to maintain optimal power generation status.
    • Use online monitoring systems to detect and resolve problems promptly.
  • Reasonable Use of Bifacial Characteristics:
    • Install on surfaces with high reflectivity, such as white rooftops and concrete ground.

4. Return on Investment: The Long-Term Value of TOPCon Modules

  • Although the initial investment in TOPCon modules may be slightly higher, their high power generation and low attenuation rate can bring higher long-term returns.
  • Maximize return on investment by reducing the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and increasing the internal rate of return (IRR).

TOPCon photovoltaic modules are ideal for commercial and industrial solar power plants. By thoroughly understanding the factors affecting power generation and adopting effective improvement strategies, investors can fully leverage the advantages of TOPCon modules to achieve higher power generation and return on investment.

Consult professional photovoltaic system designers immediately to obtain customized solutions for TOPCon photovoltaic power plants and start your green energy investment journey!

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